Perception of Conditions Health and Illness as the Analoque of Adaptive Strategy

The subjective perception of experience of health and illness which depending on expressiveness alexithymia is considered in article. The author offers the description of two basic strategy of experience of these conditions: active and passive. The revealed features elaborate representations about an internal picture of health and illness as the uniform adaptable process realizing both of form: the self-attitude and the attitude to the world; at the same time this process is a part of adaptable potential of the person.

The Concept «Disease Situation» – Objektive and Subjective Components

The article examines the phenomenon of disease. The author thinksthat this phenomenon is a complex system of many reasons with factors, influencing each other. That means that it is necessary toanalyze total combination of the person’s development conditions, theobjective social situation of development (L.S. Vygotsky), which putthe person into chronic somatic disease.The author has worked out and approved the concept of the diseasesituation.