Problems of formation of environmental consciousness: Educational aspect

The formation of mass environmental awareness among the younger generation is one of the most pressing problems of environmental education that also needs support from state and public organizations, designed to ensure the continuity, accessibility and methodological content of its implementation in educational institutions of all levels. The article provides a brief overview of the historical and political preconditions for the established attitude to the environment in our country, and specifies the features of the manifestation of intrasystemic connections “nature-human-society”.

The Perfection of the Ecological Education of Schoolboys in the System Educational Establishments of the Saratov Region

In article experience of perfection of ecological education of the
schoolboys in the system educational establishments of the Saratov
region from project activity are generalized. Necessity of the
further development ecological medium of educational institutions
and ecological space of region for efficiency rising of the formation
ecological consciousness, ecological culture of young generation
across the formation of ecological competence of subjects ecological
process is underlined.

The Problem of Ecological Responsibility Formation of the Military Men

The author analyzed the main legal acts that regulates the state policy in the field of ecological education. There had been
represented the problem of military men’s ecological responsibility formation under the conditions of developing ecological education in
Russia nowadays.