
Fatherhood as a Problem of Social Philosophy

The paper studies fatherhood as a problem of social philosophy, viewed through the realization of the social and historic circumstances and peculiarities of fathers and children’s relations building. Philosophic analyses of the category brings to the surface the sources of fatherhood based in the human social existence. The analyses reveals a specific way of fatherhood institution transformation in Russia and gives reasons for it’s crisis in the context of the social risky power environment.

The concept of the androgyne through the prism of the philosophy of life of A. Schopenhauer and F. Nietzsche

The article gives coverage to the deep meanings of the concept of androgyne which are polar to each other through the prism of the philosophy of life of A. Schopenhauer and F. Nietzsche. One of these meanings, which correlates with the philosophy of Schopenhauer, is a human’s denial of his dependence on his desires and incompleteness in androgyne as a symbol of indivisible integrity. Another meaning appears as a Nietzschean overman, representing the achievement of the extreme fullness of life in the androgyne, which pours out beyond time, becoming imperishable.

Genealogy of Gender: Social and Philosophical Aspects

The paper is devoted to the socio-philosophical analysis of sex and gender with the help of the comparative historical method of genealogy in the unity of biological, social and symbolic dimensions. The origin, relevance and history of “male – female” relationships are analyzed. It reveals the complexity and multy-dimensionality of social reality including history and tradition, mythology and metaphysics. “Male” and “female” are understood as constitutive social ontological sources of the cultural picture of the world.

Social and Psychological Determinants of Criminal Behaviour: Subject of Criminal Delict and Gender

The article is dedicated to examination of social and psychological aspects of criminal behavior in the view of gender approach; analysis and classification of female criminal behavior are adduced.



«Man» and «Woman» on the Podium Postmodern

Article is devoted social philosophically to the analysis of one of actual problems of modern gender researches – permutation of the gender text of culture in a postmodern situation. The author reveals the main signs of cardinal changes which undergo gender very types of classical culture. The special attention in article is paid to the analysis of a wide range sociocultural a determinant which cause deep metamorphoses of genders of masculine and feminny type.

The Impact of Growing Infantilism in the Community on the Erasure of Gender Differences

The paper assesses the impact of growing infantilism in the community on the erasure of gender differences and also the emergence of new social and gender roles from the fresh perspective on relevant gender issues. In addition to the direct connection of infantilism and a gender choice of a single individual, the author finds sources of infantile perception of a multitude of people mostly in the social phenomenon of neoteny, widescale unaccomplised Oedipus and Electra complexes, as well as in a wide genetic diversity.


Статья  посвящена критике современной концепции «толерант-
ности».  Исследуется  дискурс  о  толерантности  как  средство 
власти,  выявляются  негативные  последствия  идеологии  «по-
литкорректности».  Идея  «толерантности»  стала  программой, 
которая  агрессивно  внедряется  в  сознание  объектов  идеоло-
гического воздействия с целью уничтожения ментальных основ 
сопротивления гегемонии западной цивилизационной модели. 
Концепция  толерантности  используется  как  механизм  подав-