Retrospective Analysis of the Phenomenon of Childhood: Social-Philosophical Aspect

Social and philosophical analysis of childhood in his retrospective dynamics encompasses two fundamental social and philosophical issues — the formation of the individual and the family. The article highlights the results of a study of the phenomenon of childhood using genealogical, psychoanalytic and civilizational approaches.

Social Ontology of Culture in the View of Anthropological Reflection

The article is devoted to the social ontological analysis of culture in its anthropological reflection. The problem field of the ontology of culture initially involves the process of anthropogenesis. We are talking about the consideration of the origin of human society and culture with the help of the comparative-historical method of genealogy, aimed at identifying the origins and beginnings of human existence. The specificity of the philosophical method of Friedrich Nietzsche’s genealogy is considered.

Genealogy of Psychoanalysis: Socio-Philosophical Aspect

The article considers psychoanalysis by philosophical method of genealogy. This method dealing with hermeneutics makes it possible to determine the relations of age and sex as sources of social existence. Revealing the links between psychoanalysis and
childhood, both human and humanity in general, the genealogical approach establishes the dependence of modern thinking on myth and symbol that defines the dialectical area of conscious and unconscious.

Phenomenology as Methodology of Pedagogical Creativity

In this essay phenomenology is explored as a method of pedagogical creativity investigation. Phenomenological approach helps search for the latters source and natural ground of existence. The essay addresses pre-discourse models of upbringing and that provides the possibility of getting deeper into the original experience of existence, which makes phenomenology conterminal to genealogy and destruction. Humanity is the basic notion of the profound definition of pedagogical creativity, and it is identified through the connection of the phenomena of bodily awareness and sociality.

Phenomenology and Genealogy of Pedagogical Creativity

The article is dedicated to the analysis of the interrelation between the phenomenological and genealogical approaches used to bring to the surface the sources of the pedagogical creativity. It is the connection of learning with genealogical memory, art and poetry, myth and symbol that helps to overcome the cultural links gap between the generations and revive in pedagogy its real creative character.