
The genesis of individuality as a philosophical problem

The article raises a number of philosophical problems related to the concept of “individuality”. The subject areas of philosophy, for which the conceptualization of individuality is important, are defi ned. The main plot is the opposition of the individual and the universal. Thus, the problem of the status of individuality has epistemological, axiological and ontological aspects. The article discusses possible options for conceptualizing individuality. The key point is the analysis of the individuality’s genesis and the establishment of its ontological status.

The Existence of Freedom by N. A. Berdyaev and L. I. Shestov: Comparative Analysis

The article deals with the problem of the religious nature of the existential philosophy of N. A. Berdyaev and L. I. Shestov. A comparative analysis of their concepts in relation to the Christian interpretation of freedom has been carried out. It is shown that the concept of freedom can be expressed not only by its own semantic meaning (semantics), but also be reflected in the intuitive experience of existential cognition. Thus, the substantial freedom in the personal perception of N. Berdyaev and L. Shestov is opposed to the essence of the material-rationalistic understanding.


В  статье  рассматривается  проблема  генезиса  вовлечения 
личности  в  криминальную  деятельность.  Проблема  анали-
зируется  в  связи  с  характером  субъектности  криминально-
го деликта (индивидуальное либо групповое преступление); 
выделены  индивидуальные  и  групповые  разновидности 
генезиса.  Для  индивидуальных  преступлений:  а)  реализа-
ция  сформировавшейся  в  процессе  личностного  развития 
криминальной  жизненной  программы;  б)  отреагирование 
интенсивного  источника  психического  напряжения  (внутри-