
Directions of parental education of children in the legacy of the Russian enlighteners of the XVIII century

Introduction. The article analyzes the pedagogical ideas that appeared in Russia in the second half of the XVIII century, which led to the creation of different ideas about the essence of raising children in the family. The scientific problem of the study proceeds from the need to determine the features of parental education in the pedagogical heritage of the Russian Enlightenment. The purpose of the study is to study the essence of parental education in the works of representatives of different pedagogical directions of the specified period. Theoretical analysis.

Analysis of the Major Philosophical-Pedagogical Concepts in the United States of America in the XX Century

The article is devoted to analysis of the major philosophical and pedagogical concepts in the United States in the XX century: pragmatism, behaviorism, humanism, constructivism and cognitivism. The subject matter of the research is peculiarities and trends of the educational thought in the United States in the context of the formation and development of the education system in the United States in the XX century.

A Man and Society in the Digital Age

New media communications take people away from their background and history, commercial manufacturing and class struggle. Society turns into a giant installation. There, a wide variety of communities coexist and conflict in a playful and, at the same time, hyperreal form, following their own rules of the game. All this forces us to revise the basic concepts of social philosophy. Despite the increase in prosperity, alienation does not disappear. On the contrary, it gets new forms.

Socio-Spiritual Aspect of the Communicative Practices of the Modern Society

The article analyzes the social communication functioning. The author accentuates the peculiarities of communicative activity and spiritual culture interrelation, and its manifestation in the modern communicative practices.

Spirituality-Moral Determinants of Sport

In clause philosophical problems of sports, it social and cultural bases are considered. The basic accent is done revealing spiritually-moral a determinant of an investigated phenomenon. Sports activity initially human oriented and the main task of modern system of physical training and formation consists in preservation and development of the given humanistic beginning.


Исследуется влияние разных эпох на физическую культуру, связь физической культуры с особенностями различных социо-культурных систем, с их эволюцией на важнейших этапах социально-экономического и культурного развития общества. Физкультурная деятельность представлена как единство духовной и двигательной сторон. Доказывается, что физическая культура формирует гармонию духовных и телесных сил человека.

Nietzsche: the Critic of Rational Humanism

The primary goal of this article is analysing Nietzsche`s critics of rational humanism. Nietzsche believes that rational humanism is the deadlocking way of Western world. Its negative influence interferes with realisation of strong-willed potentialities of the person, enthrals him. The natural results of such situation are totalitarian ideologies and modes.

Philosophy of Culture: Ascetism against Humanism

The author proposes to examine a culture space as principally dual and composed of antagonistic opposition of ascetic and humanistic types. That dualism of culture is discovered through fundamental dualism of man itself, simultaneously belonged both to the world of nature, necessity and to the world of freedom, transcendental world.