
On the Question of the Interpretation of «the Greek» λόγος

The article deals with an attempt to understand the meaning of λόγος, considering all significance this term in the modern philosophy obtained. The article focuses on the essence of polysemy and its explanatory ability from the λόγος entity perspective. Also it is considered the relation between λόγος and μύθος.

Main (Grundfrage) and leading (Leitfrage) questions about being: Claim for ancient understanding

The article is devoted to the question of being in Heidegger’s fundamental ontology, namely, his claim to understand the ancient idea of being. In his work “Contributions to Philosophy (From Enowning)”, Heidegger distinguishes between the understanding of being as the being of everything that exists and his own understanding of being as such, out of connection with things. He calls the first point the “leading question” and attributes its authorship to Aristotle, the second one – “the main question”.

The question of normativity in the concept of truth as unconcealedness by M. Heidegger

 The article is devoted to the consideration of the issue of normativity in the concept of truth as unconcealedness (ἀλήθεια) by M. Heidegger. The question of the normativity of truth as unconcealedness (ἀλήθεια) greatly worried Heidegger's critics even during the philosopher's life. The article reveals the perspective of this criticism in the context of the “argument of law” and understanding the boundaries of conceptual normativity regarding truth.

Heidegger as a “Christian theologian”?

The article considers one of Heidegger’s statements presented in a letter to his friend K. Löwit dated August 19, 1921, in which he defines himself as a “Christian theologian”. The main existing perspectives on Heidegger’s “religiosity” being listed, the question arises, can we, and if so, in which sense, call Heidegger a “faithful Christian”? To answer this question, one needs to distinguish between “ontic theology” and “onto-theology”, the latter concept being very close to Heidegger’s own project of “fundamental ontology”.

Geschick (The Message of Being) as a Constitutive Feature of the Mythical

This article is devoted to the task of identifying the constitutive attribute of the mythical. The study does not concern the phenomenon of the genesis of myth, considering only those features which allow the myth to survive significant changes, deconstruction and evasion, without losing the basis of its essence, where evasion (der Entzug) is one of the most important terms of Heidegger’s philosophy, denoting the ability of a being to manifest itself in an indirect, unnatural way, to impose itself on a representation.

About Rhetoric of Crisis in Philosophy

The article discusses the topic of the crisis of modern philosophy. This theme is presented as special crisis rhetoric not interested in philosophy. Rhetoric contrasts to theme of philosophy as a way of escaping from the externally imposed rhetorical tricks. As a result, attempt to define a specific mode of existence of philosophy and the philosopher is given.