инновационные процессы

The Historical Aspect of Studying Innovative Pedagogical Activity

The paper gives an analysis of the historical and pedagogical aspect of studying innovational pedagogical activities which allows us to make the following conclusions: innovativeness has always been characteristic of educational work, determined the processes of its renovation, improvement and development as evidenced by the history of the formation of pedagogical ideas.

Peculiarities of Innovative Processes in Modern Education

The paper considers main directions of innovative transformations in Russian education. It reveals their specific features in view of the modern psychologo-pedagogical and social realities.

Philosophical Interpretation of Essence of Innovations

This article is based on the phenomenon analysis of innovation and its activities. The philosophy of the innovative development is almost relevant to the intensification of innovative process and the fundamentals which is influenced by the public and private realities. The concept of Innovation is already defined and the prospects for the philosophical measurement is already set by its approach. In today’s life, we have large and wide approach for the innovative transformations which include human life, business, environment and our surroundings.