
Typological Interpretations and Contradictions of Functioning of the Institutional Man

In line with the institutionalization of institutional theory of public relations beginning to be considered as a variant of the stabilization and consolidation of the society, a guarantee of stability and steady evolution of the society. The article analyzes the different methodological approaches in the study of the conception of human that suggest a number of typological interpretations and contradictions of the institutional order of man and society.

Risks of religious socialization in a post-secular society

The article presents the search for effective steps to minimize interfaith tension. The authors reveal the essence of traditional introduction to religion in the modern information environment. Digital technologies, on the one hand, expand the horizons of the possible, but on the other hand, the personality breaks away from natural communication, and as a result, the internal system of spiritual landmarks is disturbed. And then the human sensible world easily switches to another type of communication due to his or her natural need for sympathy and care – to virtual communication.