
Personal maturity: A research model in the context of an event approach

Introduction. The problem of personal maturity, its criteria and mechanisms of achievement, acts as one of the significant and urgent problems in modern psychological science. A large number of scientific papers are devoted to the interpretation and definition of this concept, the search for its content and structural elements. Theoretical analysis. Based on the systematization of theoretical material, the author builds a model for the analysis of personal maturity (in the context of the event approach).

The war and the crisis of the global pseudo-liberal civilizational project

Introduction. War in the nuclear age regardless on the options of limited or local nuclear military conflict represents the apogee of the global crisis of humanity. Theoretical analysis. The purpose of the article is to identify the signs and prerequisites of the crisis of the global liberal civilizational project. The novelty of the research is manifested in the author's argumentation of the relationship of the philosophy of the war of western rationalism with pseudo-liberal modeling of modern civilizational dynamics.

Social Axiological Rhizome: the Zone of Risk Escalation

This article analyzes the axiological situation of the modern society. The author believes that the axiological foundation of the modern society has lost features of the system, but continues to be a holistic formation, homogeneous in nature, which is evolving non-linearly in different directions without having a single centre and multiple in nature. The most appropriate name for such formation is taken from postmodern philosophy, i.e rhizome. Besides, the paper also postulates that axiological rhizome determines riskogenics of the modern society.

Circuits Typological Study of the Socio Modern Society

Sociality is a specific quality of connections, relationships and dependencies between individuals and social groups that create and reproduce many times historically conditioned model of social relations, continuously maintaining the stability and unique character of the established social order. Features of the sociality can be given on the basis of four dimensions units that characterize the irreducible to each other biological, social, cultural and psychological features of the processes deployment in social space.

About Rhetoric of Crisis in Philosophy

The article discusses the topic of the crisis of modern philosophy. This theme is presented as special crisis rhetoric not interested in philosophy. Rhetoric contrasts to theme of philosophy as a way of escaping from the externally imposed rhetorical tricks. As a result, attempt to define a specific mode of existence of philosophy and the philosopher is given.

The Dynamics of Value Orientations of the Creative Elite in a Risk Society

In this article the author makes an attempt to determine the reasons for the loss of civilizational identity, coupled with the loss of the previous values and social certainty. He is trying to figure out the role played by the creative elite in shaping the cultural identification attitudes of society in modern Russia. The article traces the dynamics of formation and development of Russian identity in the transition period. Analyzes the direction and nature of the state of social dynamics. The ways of preserving the national identity and the spiritual and moral foundations.


В  статье  обсуждается  кризис  идентичности  современного 
социального  субъекта  в  контексте  интенсивных  негативных 
коммуникаций.  Исследуются  социальные  механизмы  форми-
рования кризиса идентичности под действием негативных со-
циальных коммуникаций, анализируются социальные факторы, 
затрудняющие процессы личностной самоидентификации. По-
казано,  что  в  кризисе  идентичности  современного  человека 
значительную роль играет виртуализация социума, многочис-
ленные виртуальные коммуникации. Утверждается, что совре-