кризис духовности

The Image of the Grand Inquisitor in Religious Philosophy of K. Barth

The article is about problem of man’s being in the situation of spiritual and moral values crisis. This crisis leads to appearance of the fenomenon of Grand Inquisitor. The image of Grand Inquisitor had been created by F.M. Dostoevsky and in theology of K. Barth it became the symbol of situation of world, in which God’s death was proclaimed. Therefore Barth claimed that humanity had to do everything to avoid spiritual and cultural catastrophe, to which Grand Inquisitor could lead humanity.

Civil and Patriotic Direction as Part of the Spiritual and Moral Upbringing of yhe Youth Library

The article is devoted to civil and Patriotic education of the younger
generation as the most important component of the spiritual and moral
upbringing of the youth library. This direction of the library activity of the
last decades is relevant in the context of the global problem of the crisis of spirituality of the modern youth. According to the leading specialists
of the national library science, public figures, writers, philosophers,
clergy, it was the library has the most significant educational potential,