кризис идентичности

Comparative Analysis of the Social Concepts Role in Adapting to the Situation of Severe Disabling Somatic Disease

Perceptions of health and illness are basic to human consciousness, as in health situation and in situation of the disease. Identifying specificity concepts of healthy and sick person in a situation of severe stigmatizing disease is to aid understanding and clarify the mechanism of selecting adaptation strategies. The study found that for patients with tuberculosis express ideas about health related to health as the lost value.

Temporal Modi of Social Identity

The article is devoted to the analysis of temporal characteristics
of social identity. It is emphasized that the recognition of time of
personal existence by an individual is the most important condition
of understanding of the identity and the means of its structuring.
The person’s choice of a certain temporal vector is determined by
sociocultural factors. It shows the system of values and the type of
behavior in society and after all the specificity of a certain cultural model.

Ethnic Identity and Social Well-being of the Person in the Conditions of Transformation of Socio-cultural Environment

The article presents the results of the pilot study types of ethnic identity, and indicators of social well-being of residents of South-East of Ukraine (Lugansk). We investigated the relationship between the value-semantic sphere of the person and the type of ethnic identity, analyzed the respondents’ ideas about their situation. The results indicate that in the transformation of social and cultural environment there is a crisis of values a  nd the semantic sphere of the person, reduced the level of social well-being.


Целью  статьи  является  исследование  проблемы  самоидентич-
ности  современного  ученого  в  познавательном  поле  социаль-
но-философской  мысли  ХХ  в.  Обозначаются  основные  контек-
сты  современных  изменений  в  социальном  и  научном  мире, 
характеризующиеся  сложной  социальной  дифференциацией, 
разведением  принципов  научной  идентификации  и  иерархиза-
ции, ценностной и этической неопределенностью. Исследуется 
специфика  саморефлексии  ученого  в  соотнесенности  с  «эта-