культура контроля

Urbanized sociality: The culture of control in the mode of mediatization

Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of the culture of control in conditions of mediatization – an integral part of the modern social world of the city. The specificity of the view on the problem lies in the departure from the functional technicality of positivist research into the field of ontological and social reflection, expanding the analytical range of revealing the meaning.

Changes of changes: Sociality and the lack of protection

 Despite the fact that social changes are often proclaimed as a combination of positive development prospects, in practice they will not necessarily lead to positive results for everyone and in general. The sociological, ontological and cultural essence of modern changes in the mode of unreliability and redundancy of security systems is revealed. The horizon of understanding the problem in the mode of transition to a new technological order, which requires individual adaptation of people to a risk-generating environment, to a society without guarantees, is proposed.