Fashion and Language as Institutional Components of Daily Life

The research into the fashion formation stages in the article has allowed to trace the formation processes of behavioral and property preferences, as well as the development of the social rank hierarchy system. The study of the language practices significance has defined the importance of their role in the regulation and preservation of daily being order.

Cyvilyzation and Metaphysics

Article is devoted to attempt to clear up the cult bases of the West civilization and identify the causes of the formation of the latest features in the Judeo-Christian metaphysics. The analysis begins with justification of thought of Pavel Florenskiy’s postulate that, not only a culture genetically comes from a cult, but also any philosophical categories come from a cult too.

Problems and Concepts of Philosophy and Philosophy of Science: the Phenomenon of Contextuality

This article refers to the analysis of a ratio of science and culture in the context of the new European philosophy. Science as a sociocultural phenomenon always had a special place in culture. Rapid development of science within the last two centuries naturally forces philosophy to look for new approaches to understanding of the nature of scientific knowledge and scientific activity.

Language-philosophy of Jurgen Habermas: Rational Theory of Universal Pragmatics

The philosophy of language is the central motive of the social philosophy of J. Habermas. Language is perceived as a transcendental subject, which is able to act as the unifying basis of culture and overcome the existing isolation of the spheres of science, morality and art. The nature of the language is interpreted in hermeneutic manner as a “great conversation” that can recreate the universal conditions of a possible conception of the world.

Problem of the Language Nature Historical Interpretativeness: Narrative and Mythological Ways of Historisation

Article contains a problematic view at an opportunity to establish
historical field exceptionally in a context of language interpretativeness.
Because revealing of necessary aspects of the reality seen from
prospect of history becomes possible only under condition of realization
of essentially new description of a way of reflection about the world.
That, as a matter of fact, means detection of the certain historical period
limited to language toolkit.

On the Way to the Truth: Aleksei Losev and Martin Heidegger

In this article the author compares philosophical ideas and concepts of Aleksei Losev and Martin Heidegger. It is claimed that the analyses of apophatic and cataphatic traditions of Christian thought led both philosophers to introduce the opposite paradigms of thinking.


The Culture, Sciens and Religion in Structural Psycho-Analysis by Jacque Lacan

The author considers the theory of structural psychoanalysis, suggest by Jacque Lacan. On the ground of this theory the author tryes to interpret Lacan’s concepts of culture including its components such as science and religion. 

The Language Paradigm of Russian Philosophy

For the first time Russian and Western philosophical traditions distinction is spent as basic distinction of language basic. Russian tradition is based on language-symbol priority, western – on languagesign domination.