методология науки

Systems Approach in Russian Systemology: The Transitivity of Philosophical Value and Meaning

The article is devoted to the issue of a systems approach in the context of philosophical problems. The necessity of revising system representations and expanding the dynamic component, according to the requirements of the time, is substantiated. Attention is focused on the evolution of the concept of the systems approach in Russian systemology. It is shown that the uniqueness of the evolution of the systems approach in Russia is due to the problem of determining its role and place in the conditions of the dominance of materialistic dialectics in the Soviet period.

The Philosophy of Science: the Concepts and Perspectives of the Development

The article is dedicated to the study of the problem area of modern philosophy, comprehension of its epistemological status in the system of science of science disciplines. Adverting to the number of basic conceptions of the western and Russian philosophy of science, the author tries to define the philosophy of science and makes an attempt to find out the further perspectives of this research area.



Статья  посвящена  осмыслению  проблемности  исследований  в 
области философии науки. Предлагается определение понятия 
философии науки, исходящее из понимания её вовлеченности в 
исторический контекст традиции мышления бытия. Философия 
науки  понимается  как  исторически  определяемый  процесс  и 
результат  систематического  применения  всего  смыслового  по-
тенциала  философии  к  осмыслению  феномена  науки,  истории 
науки. На этой основе аргументируется, что концептуально раз-