
The Problem of Intellects in Medieval Aristotelianism

The article deals with the problem of the role and significance of the “ladder of intellects” in Medieval Aristotelianism. The purpose of the article is to demonstrate the decisive influence of the problem of intellects on the difference in the interpretation of the heritage of Aristotle in the Middle Ages, when Aristotle was understood as a theologian and the teacher of primary causes, and in the Modern era, when Aristotle was regarded as an empiricist, metaphysician and the founder of several sciences.

Philosophy as Turned form of Scientific Rationalism: Radical Innovations of German Classic

Article by philosophical and methodological critical explanations of
radical philosophical innovations presented in philosophical knowledge
studies of German classics of the rationale of philosophy as a reason,
form of scientific rationalism of the explosions at an epoch. Exploring the
limits competence of Kant restricts them. In the historical interpretation
of Hegel logic-scientific phenomenon is revealed as a coherent
movement, succession «body» of scientific knowledge.

The Limit Phenomenon as a Base of the Mind Intentionality and the Objective Reality Perception

Our work is dedicated to the philosophical analysis of the "limit" phenomenon. The author considers the "limit" as a clear symbol devoid of content, which expresses the essential sense of the Symbolic. The "limit" is viewed as a base abstraction - the source of reflection of the cognitive and epistemological instrument and the basis of plurality (the perception of the material world variety).

Mental Illness as Consequence of Social Transformations: Philosophical Interpretation of Medical-anthropological Researches

The aim of the article is the philosophical comprehension of some results of medico-anthropological research devoted to the problems of mental disorders in the context of social transformations. Following the tradition laid down by the philosophical work of Michel Foucault on the history of madness in modernity, the author proposes to continue the practice of comprehension of the most significant «fragments of insanity» in our modern world. This approach involves maintaining a dialogue with other forms of thought, including a discipline such as medical anthropology.

Form, Intellect and Teleology in Aristotelian Doctrine of Truth

The article examines the classical Aristotelian concept of truth as the correspondence of knowledge knowable subject. Under this concept, the complex structure of the truth as consisting of logical, causal and metaphysical aspects is demonstrated. The concept of truth is revealed through analysis of the relationship of these aspects within a holistic picture of philosophy of Aristotle. The connection of truth with the categories of logic, the notion of essence as unity of matter and form, with the teachings of Aristotle about the mind and God’s mind is emphasized.