
Modern Tendencies of Training Masters of Pedagogical Education

An article deals with main aspects connected with future masters of
pedagogical education involvement to research work as leading tendency
of their professional training. It has been pointed that the chief
role in coordination of masters’ research work belongs to scientific
society which is a part of administrative system at university which
unites young researchers, who take part in research and organizational
work inside department problem groups, scientific structural
subdivisions (centers, laboratories) etc. Aims, tasks, principles and

Formation of linguistic Competence as a Mechanism for Socialization of the Personality of Graduates, Masters and PhD Students in the Educational Space of the Agricultural University

The article is devoted to the process of socialization of a student’s
personality and the role of the higher educational establishment in
this process. The content of high school socialization is a teaching
process aimed at the formation of skills, structured in State
Educational Standard of Higher Education; of social and cultural
environment necessary for the personality socialization; development
of personal qualities of the future specialist, competitiveness
and demand of which depends on the level of knowledge received