
Philosophy of O. F. Bollnow: it’s Social, Ethic and Existential Aspects

The paper is devoted to the analysis of ethical and existential grounds of a man’s social being through the philosophy of O. F. Bollnow. Actually his philosophy can be considered as the positive existentialism and thus it focuses on positive perception of society and history in their human dimension. The basic concept of the philosophy of Bolnow is «humanity». What is meant is the struggling through sense of danger, fear and vulnerability in risky environment of the modern civilization.

Substantial and Semantic Characteristics of Students' Ideas About Hope

The purpose of the study described in the article was to identify the characteristics of perception of hope by students with different levels of dispositional hope. The study was performed on a student sample (N=73), whose average age is 19 years with the use of the following psychodiagnostic tools: the semantic differential by C. Osgood; “Hope Scale” by R. Snyder adapted by K. Muzdybaev with the subsequent application of the method of semantic universals and factor analysis.