philosophy of culture

Social Ontology of Culture in the View of Anthropological Reflection

The article is devoted to the social ontological analysis of culture in its anthropological reflection. The problem field of the ontology of culture initially involves the process of anthropogenesis. We are talking about the consideration of the origin of human society and culture with the help of the comparative-historical method of genealogy, aimed at identifying the origins and beginnings of human existence. The specificity of the philosophical method of Friedrich Nietzsche’s genealogy is considered.

K.D. Kavelin: the Experience of the Philosophical Analysis of the Culture

In article cardinal principles of conception of the Russian culture essential development by the domestic scientist K.D. Kavelin are stated. He proves historical development by active subject position of the person. In the given statement the accent is made on the following objects: history, law, morals.

Kondratiev's Cyclic Approach to the Description of Structural Changes in the Technosphere

The article discloses the relationship of economic methodological approaches. Kondratieff with new methodological ideas of the philosophy of technology within the general philosophical and cultural context of modern science. The idea of a cycle in the philosophy of technology and its connection with the Kondratiev cycles is considered by the method of comparison and search for analogies. It is shown that economic cycles are repetitive in character and the same cycles are characteristic of the technosphere.

Contemporary Russian Society and Social-philosophical Analysis of its Definition

This paper explores an operationalization of the concepts for contemporary Russian society. Drawing on theoretical frameworks of some concepts such as postmodernism, consumer society, post-industrial society the authors operationalize them. Our findings suggest that contemporary Russian society has a wide range of definitions. It is defined as post-historic, network or information society, postmodern society, etc. The set of different concepts represents Russian society and makes a definitions confusion. Such definitions should be applicable to modern Russian society.