
Two preachings on Lazarus Saturday: The moral dimension of friendship according to Saint Justin (Polyansky) and Saint Innocent of Kherson

Introduction. The article is devoted to the concept of friendship in Christian ethics. The author analyses the idea of friendship and its moral aspect in two previously underexamined in Russian theology sermons of Saint Justin (Polyansky) and Saint Innocent of Kherson on Lazarus Saturday. Theoretical analysis. The research allows us to make the following conclusions.

The Doctrine of V. l. Solovjev about the Christian Unity and Protestantism

Article considers the theme of church – the main theme of second period of investigation of V. S. Solovjev. It should be noted, that Solovjev appeals to necessary of unite of Christian churches, though throw the handkerchief to Catholicism. Protestantism is the least respectable religion.

Cultural Context of Education: Russia and China

Culture represents a social phenomenon if we regard it from the point of its material and spiritual values, and education is a dedicated social sphere of ideal existence, related to the subject. Within its own history, education develops in such a direction and in such a force as it has the intention defining the message, aim, reflexive intentional orientation at this aspect. It is education that may reveal intentionality of consciousness: to single out the acts of thinking and their content.

Genesis of Russian religious philosophy of the Slavophiles A. S. Khomyakov and I. V. Kireevsky

The article is devoted to the philosophical, religious and world views of A. S. Khomyakov and I. V. Kireevsky. Based on the analysis of the authors’ creative and epistolary heritage, the authors show the ambiguity of their judgment from the point of view of Orthodox theology. The hermeneutic method allowed the author to analyze the primary sources of A. S. Khomyakov and I. V. Kireevsky, their contemporaries and followers from the point of view of Orthodox theology to determine the degree of their compliance with Orthodox doctrine.

The role of spiritual enlightenment in the formation of Russian religiosity: A historical and philosophical analysis

The study examines the attitude of society and the state to church culture from the position of Russian religious philosophers. In Russia, the attitude towards Orthodoxy as a fundamental tradition laid the foundation for the perception of the Byzantine understanding of state power as a patron and defender of churchliness. In the second half of the 15th century, Muscovy became the only Orthodox state.

To the Problem of the Features of Existential Philosophy of N. A. Berdyaev

In the article, the problem of the religious nature of the existential philosophy of N. A. Berdyaev is considered. It is shown that his understanding of his own philosophy as the existence of the spirit affected the way he understood the issue of freedom. For a philosopher, freedom is a state of mind, and therefore, the problem analyzed is not political and not legal, but exclusively religious. While dealing with this task, the philosopher makes an attempt to replace the usual philosophical terminology with a religious-existential one for a more complete reflection of freedom.

About Features of S. Н. Bulgakov's Philosophical Outlook

The article is devoted to the consideration of the features of the philosophical worldview of S. N. Bulgakov – a representative of Russian religious philosophy of the turn of the XIX – early XX centuries in the context of the cultural and historical and socio-political realities of the time and the established traditions, trends characteristic of Russian philosophy. On the whole, the understanding of the philosopher’s philosophical creativity is not possible without knowing the main coordinates of his worldview.

The Idea of Conciliarity and Its Crisis in the Period of Soviet Reality

The article provides a brief analysis of the phenomenon of «conciliarity» as a religious, spiritual, and philosophical concept, which has had a huge impact on the formation of the Russian identity. It is emphasized that conciliarity, as an inherent feature of the Russian man, is manifested in various aspects of Russian people’s life. In the present work, an analysis of theoretical understanding of conciliarity by XIX century thinkers, as well as understanding of the Russian Orthodox phenomenon by contemporary researchers is carried out.