professional training

Problematic issues of police officers' practical training in some foreign countries and the Russian Federation during training practices

Introduction. In the current economic and political realities, the modern activity of a policeman requires from him not only professional theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills, endurance, stress resistance and strong psychological skills.

The Problem of Training of Law Students to the Business Foreign Language Communication in Theory and Practice of Higher Education

The article is devoted to the study of the problems of training the law students for business foreign language communication. It is emphasis, that the qualification of a lawyer implies not only that they have the legal knowledge, but also forming of foreign language business communication. Aspects of the formation of the culture of business foreign language communication, the ways of organization of training and conditions under which should form the culture of business foreign language communication are considered in this article. 

Professional training of future specialists in public administration to work in the conditions of innovative public administration

The article is devoted to the study of professional training of future specialists in public administration to work in the conditions of innovative public administration. The purpose of the article is to determine the features of specialists in public administration in the framework of new management models.

Conditions of Formation of the Future Officers Competence to Act in Emergency Situations and of Their Psychological Resistance

The article deals with conditions of formations of the future officers’ competence to act in emergency situations. Concept of conditions is considered. A number of rules of pedagogical conditions choice are determined. Definitions of professional training and psychological resistance situations are considered. Areas of educational efforts to establish psychological resistance are discovered. Steady and temporary factors of personal acting in emergency situations are offered. Actual examples of action of internal troops (personnel) in emergency situations are mentioned.

Effectiveness of Frame-Algorithms Application When Creating Problem Situations in Military Universities of the VNG of Russia

The article is devoted to the consideration of the effectiveness of frame algorithms application when creating problem situations in practical classes at military universities of the VNG of Russia, in order to identify theoretical aspects of their effectiveness. The author suggested that one of the conditions of the officer's readiness for professional activity should be the ability to act and make decisions correctly in emergent critical situations.

The Importance of Continuing Professional Training in the Context of «Ultramobility» of Education

The article examines the value of the subject of continuous training in contemporary education, requiring modern specialist high mobility and educational mobility. A comparative analysis of teachers of different age groups and causes of difficulties of realization of new educational models. Disclosed the goals and objectives of additional professional education of teachers.

Information Technologies in Training of Cadets of National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation

The informatization of military service and military experts of national guard troops of the Russian Federation as members of the security Institute in the structure of the state, primarily associated with the creation and maintenance of necessary level of the equipment in order to solve professional tasks in various conditions of the operational environment.

Modern Tendencies of Training Masters of Pedagogical Education

An article deals with main aspects connected with future masters of
pedagogical education involvement to research work as leading tendency
of their professional training. It has been pointed that the chief
role in coordination of masters’ research work belongs to scientific
society which is a part of administrative system at university which
unites young researchers, who take part in research and organizational
work inside department problem groups, scientific structural
subdivisions (centers, laboratories) etc. Aims, tasks, principles and