профессиональное выгорание

Professional Burnout as a Specific Form of Professional Destructions

The article is devoted to the results of a comparative analysis of terminology used to describethe phenomenon of «burn-out» and modern empirical studies of this phenomenon among representatives of various professional groups. Emphasizes the need to study the dynamics of the structure of professional burnout in the process of professionalization in terms of sistemogenetic approach.

Organizational eff ects of staff loyalty in social institutions

Introduction. The article presents the research based on the organizations’ request to improve the effi ciency of their activities, the need to build complex HR systems in modern conditions of a dynamic and rapidly changing environment. Authors consider the results of the staff commitment diagnostics of “Social Support Department” and “Employment Center”. This research is a part of a comprehensive study of social support institutions and employment centers, implemented by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection in the Saratov region. Theoretical analysis.


В статье представлены результаты теоретического анализа оте- чественных и зарубежных работ по проблеме выгорания, целью которого было выявление основных этапов исследования данно- го феномена. Эта проблема не утратила своей актуальности, те- оретической и практической значимости на протяжении четырех десятилетий ее изучения в связи с распространенностью выго- рания, его необратимостью и негативными последствиями для личности и для социума.