About the Question of Actuality of Philosophy: G. E. Moore and Global Challenges of Modernity

The question of actuality of philosophy for humanity in XXI-th century is examined in the article. The role of philosophy consists in the search of methods and styles of reasoning which allow the man to make decisions in new and unusual for him terms. In works of representative of analytical philosophy G.E. Moore the search for interrelation between intuition and mind as the sources of human actions is carried out. Actuality of Moores philosophy consists in the special method of reasoning which gives a glance on preconditions of human acts from a new side.

Becoming Grammatica Speculativa: Analysis of Some Features of Realism, Conceptualism and Nominalism in the Decision of Problem of Universalies

In article are analyzed and compared features of decisions of «universalies problem» offered by such scholastic traditions as realism, conceptualism and nominalism played a key role in becoming of problem field of logical-semiotic researches medieval grammatica speculativa.

The Scientific Rationality and the Concept of Cognitive Relativism

Actual problems of modern philosophy and methodology of scientific cognition are examined − the problem of cognitive relativism. Research of this problem supposes the specification of theoretical basis of the phenomenon of relativism in area of scientific knowledge.

Problem of the Reality of Scientific Knowledge Within of Discussion Realism/Antirealism: Kinds of Scientific Realism

In this article the problem of a reality of scientific knowledge, its validity and objectivity within of discussion realism/antirealism is described. In particular principal points of scientific realism are allocated and analyzed.