
Social Psychological Genesis of «Self» from the Standpoint of the Philosophy of Social Interactionism

This publication considers the explanation of the consciousness and «self» genesis offered by G. H. Mead through a gradual development during childhood of a capability to assume a part of the other and to visualize own behaviour from the viewpoint of the others.

Stratometrical Conception of Akmeologization of Person and Social Stratofication of Society

The meintenance of authors stratometric concepsion of akmeologization of a person in aspect of social development of society, particulary its stratification is considered in the article. In the essence of this concepsion in multilevel social activity of akme-type persons – in achievement of tops of development in process of self-education on levels of poleostaz, adaptation, socialization, self-actualization Moralsemantic paradigm is the basic of self-isolated persons.