
Genome editing and the status of the human embryo in vitro

Introduction. The article discusses the nature of the next challenge faced by Russian society in connection with the development of genomic technologies. It is noted that the emergence of human embryo genome editing technology has brought to life proposals for its legal regulation, but insufficient attention is still paid to the issue of the status of the embryo. Theoretical analysis. The recent emergence of the technology of human embryo genome editing makes the issue of the status of the embryo in vitro relevant.

Philosophical Process in Russia and China аt the Turn of XXI Century

The article discusses the problem of the worldview foundations of intercultural dialogue between Russia and China at the turn of XXI century. The author analyzes the dynamic of development of philosophical processes in Russia and China at the beginning of XXI century. The article is focused at the omnidirectional vectors of various trends that appear in the continuum of philosophical cultures of these countries.

Dynamics of Philosophical Consciousness of Russia and China: Problem of Algorithms

The article is dedicated to a problem of algorithms of world-learning and understanding of philosophical consciousness in Russia and China. The author bases a proof of legitimacy of categorical and algorithmic description of world-learning dynamics and refers to analogy of analytical procedure of conducting of algorithmization of levels of abstraction through language of mathematical symbols and philosophical universals.

The Moral Bases of Subject Inter-civilization Dialogue between Russia and China

The article is devoted to a problem of a subject of inter-civilization dialogue between Russia and China. The author proves a methodological and theoretical legitimacy of civilizational approach to solution of the problem of determination of moral grounds of this subject. Based on the indentified methodological positions, he carries out a comparative analysis of value of the spiritual-moral priorities of cultural traditions of Russia and China. It is based on the idea of «person – а moral force», V. S. Solovyov and the ideal of «the noble husband» Confucius.

Spiritual Foundations of Political Order in Russia and China Experience

Article is devoted to the influence of spiritual foundations of the political order and modernization development companies. In the center is a comparative analysis of historical experience and prospects of Russia and China. The article is devoted to the impact of spiritual foundations on the political order and development of society in terms of modernization. Historical experience and prospects of Russia and China are in the center of the comparative analysis. Religious, spiritual and moral factors that determine the structure of political order and its dynamic state are analyzed.