
S. L. Frank: The dialectic of sobornost

The concept of sobornost in the philosophy of S.L. Frank is considered on the basis of a dialectical approach. Sobornost is revealed in the “dialectic of inseparable-unmerged” bi-unity, the divine-humanity of a man in social reality from abstract forms to its concrete expression, each stage reached qualitatively or categorically changes our being, making up for our potentiality with partial relevance.

Transformation and «Rasvoploshenie» as Ontologic Intuitions of Russian and Western Thought

Article argues that difference between ontological intuitions of Russian and western philosophy goes back to distinction between such forms of sacral experience as sanctitu and mysticism. The mysticism is connected with experience of «rasvoploshenie», sanctitu – with transformation of experience. The fundamental project of Russian religions philosophy is linked with attempt of philosophical judgment of experience of transformation.

The Idea of Conciliarity and Its Crisis in the Period of Soviet Reality

The article provides a brief analysis of the phenomenon of «conciliarity» as a religious, spiritual, and philosophical concept, which has had a huge impact on the formation of the Russian identity. It is emphasized that conciliarity, as an inherent feature of the Russian man, is manifested in various aspects of Russian people’s life. In the present work, an analysis of theoretical understanding of conciliarity by XIX century thinkers, as well as understanding of the Russian Orthodox phenomenon by contemporary researchers is carried out.