social being

The Substantial and Communicative Models of Sociality: the Comparative Analysis

The article provides discussion of substantial and communicative models of sociality. The author notes that each of these models describes only one aspect of the social being. That’s why there is a need of searching of new models of sociality. The theory of institutional matrices is one of such models. 

The Basic Question of Social Philosophy in the Mirror Modern Russian Reforms

The article deals with one of the important problems of social philosophy – the problem of the relation of social being and social consciousness. Using the conceptual framework of classical philosophy, the authors give a modern interpretation of the basic question of philosophy, and refers to the events in Russia of the late XX – early ХХI centuries. This is not by accident, since these events are truly momentous in its history. The article concludes that modernity confirms the importance and the actuality of the basic question of social philosophy.

Social Ontology of Culture in the View of Anthropological Reflection

The article is devoted to the social ontological analysis of culture in its anthropological reflection. The problem field of the ontology of culture initially involves the process of anthropogenesis. We are talking about the consideration of the origin of human society and culture with the help of the comparative-historical method of genealogy, aimed at identifying the origins and beginnings of human existence. The specificity of the philosophical method of Friedrich Nietzsche’s genealogy is considered.

The Methodology of the Social Research of the Institutional Person

The paper considers the methodology of the social research of the institutional person and a possibility of working out a universal methodology for an interdisciplinary investigation of the person and an analysis of the social being by interdisciplinary sciences.

The Institutional Person: Developing a Philosophical Conception

The paper is devoted to the formation of the philosophical conception
of the institutional person. The paper considers the existing scientific
theories of the institutional person, analyses a possibility of using new
categories and stresses a necessity for working out new conceptions
of the description of social realia of the modern word. The formation
and direction for the development of the philosophical conception
of the institutional person as a conception of the correspondence of