social philosophy

From Myths about the Past to the Mythologization of Time in the Digital Media Environment

The article deals with the transformation of temporal structures of mythology in the digital media environment. The authors show the role of time in the functioning of myths about the Past, consider the mechanisms of coupling the sacred past of the origins, the heroic time of struggle, the stable “pre-present”, the present and the future. The mythological “ruler of time” depends on the experience of artistic understanding of time and the way of communication.

Genealogy of Gender: Social and Philosophical Aspects

The paper is devoted to the socio-philosophical analysis of sex and gender with the help of the comparative historical method of genealogy in the unity of biological, social and symbolic dimensions. The origin, relevance and history of “male – female” relationships are analyzed. It reveals the complexity and multy-dimensionality of social reality including history and tradition, mythology and metaphysics. “Male” and “female” are understood as constitutive social ontological sources of the cultural picture of the world.

The Society of Consumption as a Source of Social and Spiritual Risks

The society of consumption (another name – consumer society), as it is studied and understood in modern scientific literature, is a complex and ambiguous phenomenon. On the one hand, the society of consumption is associated with the domination of material values over spiritual ones, on the other hand, they say that the main objects of consumption are not material things themselves, but their symbolic and social significance, i.e. the intangible dimension of the material world.

Digital Philosophy of History: Problem Statement

The article raises the problem of the possibility of creating a digital philosophy of history. The initial thesis of the work states the fact of the crisis of the traditional philosophy of history, the absence of meta-narratives which introduce global historiosophical concepts, and the unsuitability of the existing categorial apparatus for describing the realities of the digital world.

Digital Society and Digital Anthropology: Transdisciplinary Foundations of Social and Epistemological Research

The article deals with the methodological problems of exploring digital social reality. In modern society, digital technologies mediate the whole complex of social relations, linking the state, organizations, and individuals in a complex technical object. The new technological order integrating convergent technologies radically transforms the landscape of human corporeality, everyday life and creativity.

World Risk Society in Ulrich Beck’s Political Philosophy: Logic and Irony

The paper is devoted to the analysis of world risk society in the social philosophy of Ulrich Beck. Actually her philosophy can be considered the political philosophy and thus it focuses on historical perception of risk society and revealing of its new features in the modern era. The article considers innovations that distinguish the world society of risk from the previous society of modern and postmodern risk: the difference between risk and catastrophe, risk and cultural judgments about risk. From the difference between risk and catastrophe, there is a need for protective action.

Genealogy of Psychoanalysis: Socio-Philosophical Aspect

The article considers psychoanalysis by philosophical method of genealogy. This method dealing with hermeneutics makes it possible to determine the relations of age and sex as sources of social existence. Revealing the links between psychoanalysis and
childhood, both human and humanity in general, the genealogical approach establishes the dependence of modern thinking on myth and symbol that defines the dialectical area of conscious and unconscious.

Hermeneutic Paradigm of Education: Social Philosophy Analysis

The paper is devoted to the social philosophy analysis of education through a method of hermeneutics. The hermeneutic paradigm of education includes tradition and memory, science and history, world of actual life and social institutions, thus revealing its structural complication and a vast range of aspects inside it. It is noted, that the historical development of education is associated with the change in value of natural and social, political and moral. In the philosophy of M. Heidegger and D.

Ecce Homo: Symbolic Implications of the Structure of Senses

The article is devoted to the analyses of integral feelings and senses
of the man in conditions of the present-day social reality. Peculiarities
of psychological and spiritual state and actions of the man as the key
elements of the social experience are described, and symbolic basis
of their relation is revealed. Semantics, character and value intentions
of the status of ardour and possession in the man’s creative aspiration
and his actual efforts are studied. Discussion is conducted with

Social Philosophy of Hannah Arendt: Political and Ethic Aspects

The paper is devoted to the analysis of political, ethical and existential
grounds of a man’s being in the social philosophy of Hannah Arendt.
Actually her philosophy can be considered the political philosophy and
thus it focuses on historical perception of society in its human dimension
from the Ancient Greeks to modern Europe. The basic concepts of the philosophy of Arendt – «freedom» and «deprivation of freedom». It is
about the origins of total domination, about the need to overcome its
