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. . Social Philosophy of Hannah Arendt: Political and Ethic Aspects. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 3, pp. 21-?. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18500/1819-7671-2015-15-3-21-25

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Social Philosophy of Hannah Arendt: Political and Ethic Aspects

The paper is devoted to the analysis of political, ethical and existential
grounds of a man’s being in the social philosophy of Hannah Arendt.
Actually her philosophy can be considered the political philosophy and
thus it focuses on historical perception of society in its human dimension
from the Ancient Greeks to modern Europe. The basic concepts of the philosophy of Arendt – «freedom» and «deprivation of freedom». It is
about the origins of total domination, about the need to overcome its
effects in the modern civilization through ethical dialogue and political
action. The article discusses the historical development of the types
of power in the formation of various political forms of society. Socialphilosophical
analysis of interrelation between the policy and ethics in
the process of their historical transformation is revealed through such
concepts as «banality of evil», «vita active», «new defence».


1. Arendt H. Elemente und Ursprünge totaler Herrschaft
(The origins of totalitariarism). München; Zürich, 1986.
1024 S.
2. Arendt H. Eichmann in Jerusalem. Ein Bericht über die
Banalität des Bösen (Eichmann in Jerusalem: A report
on the banality of evil). 15. Aufl . München, 2006. 440 S.
3. Arendt H. Die verborgene Tradition: Acht Essays.
Frankfurt, 1976. 167 p. (Russ. ed.: Arendt Kh. Skrytaya
traditsiya: esse. Moscow, 2008. 221 p.)
4. Salamun K. Wie soll der Mensch sein? Philosophische
Ideale vom «wahren» Menschen von Karl Marx bis Karl
Popper (How can a person be? Philosophical ideal of the
«true» people of Karl Marx to Karl Popper). Tübingen,
2011. 274 S.
5. Arendt H. Vita activa oder vom tätigen Leben. Stuttgart,
1960. 309 p. (Russ. ed.: Arendt Kh. Vita activa, ili
O deyatelnoy zhizni. St.-Petersburg, 2000. 437 p.).
6. Lomako O. M. Filosofiya Otto Fridrikha Bolʹnova:
sotsialnoe, eticheskoe, ekzistentsialʹnoe (Philosophy of
O. F. Bollnow: it’s social, ethic and existential aspects).
Izv. Saratov Univ. (N.S.), Ser. Philosophy. Psychology.
Pedagogy, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 3, pp. 30‒34.
7. Bollnow O. F. Neue Geborgenheit. Das Problem einer
Überwindung des Existenzialismus (New Security. The
Problem of Overcoming of Existentialism). Stuttgart;
Köln, 1960. 247 p.

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