социальная активность

Motivation Social Activity of Youth

The article is devoted to the motivation of social activity for students. Revealed differences in the motivational structure of the personality of young people, depending on the type of social activity.

Empirical model of youth social activity

Introduction. Studies of the social activity of young people allow us to find out the main trends of the real interest of young people in certain areas of social reality, to assess its potential for social development.Theoretical analysis.Today, a wealth of empirical material has been accumulated regarding its manifestations, factors and consequences, which requires generalization. The purpose of this study is to develop an empirical model of social activity of an individual. Results.

Value-based Meaningful Characteristics of Social Activity of Youth, Depending on the Forms of Its Manifestation

The purpose of the study presented in the article was to identify the similarities and differences in value-based meaningful characteristics that determine the different forms of social activity of youth. The results of an empirical study performed on a sample of young people aged 18–25 (N = 80) are presented. The study of the youth’s social activity is performed with the help of the original questionnaire; its life-purpose characteristics are analyzed with the help of the lifepurpose orientations test by D. A. Leontev, the existence scale by A. Langle and C.


В статье обсуждаются результаты сравнительного изучения вза-
имосвязи эмоционального и когнитивного компонентов субъек-
тивного благополучия мигрантов, проживающих в России, и ко-
ренных жителей России. Определяются сходство и различия в 
структуре субъективного благополучия, выделяются ее ядерные 