социальные практики

The anthropological practice as an impossible possibility

A contemporary man is now more and more recognizing the necessity of the anthropological practice of the art of being himself. The main sphere of the research conducted in social science and the humanities in the second half of the 20th – the beginning of the 21st centuries was dedicated to problematization, apology, assertion and exercises related to practices of the self. The topic of the anthropological practices (social, spiritual, psychological, somatic, and art practices) permeates the works by E. Fromm, L. Binswanger, P. Ricoeur, P. Hadot, M. de Certeau, M. Foucault, V.

A Theory of Practices: Social-Philosophical Potential of the Concept

Article is devoted to the analysis of the theory of practices. A socialphilosophical bases of the concept are explicated. Analyzing a category «social practices», being a base category of a modern discourse of humanities, and considering methods of the theory of practices, is critically comprehended heuristic potential of the investigated concept.

Social Practicians of Criminal Domination: Features of Involvement of the Personality in Criminal Activity

The article shows that under the conditions of a transforming society, social instability in Russian society, deviant social practices are expanding. It is emphasized that in parallel with these new opportunities for the individual in terms of antisocial and antisocial ways of self-realization. The relevance of the research is revealed in connection with the emergence of new social determinants of involving the individual in criminal activity. It is emphasized that social practices of criminal domination are a particular danger.