социальные риски

Study of religious traditions as a factor in ensuring the secular nature of culture and education

This paper examines the dialogue and mutual influence of secular and religious culture in the system of secular education from two points of view: firstly, the influence of teaching knowledge about religion on the implementation of the secular nature of education and, secondly, the impact of the need to comply with state educational standards on the form of presentation of religious culture.

The Society of Consumption as a Source of Social and Spiritual Risks

The society of consumption (another name – consumer society), as it is studied and understood in modern scientific literature, is a complex and ambiguous phenomenon. On the one hand, the society of consumption is associated with the domination of material values over spiritual ones, on the other hand, they say that the main objects of consumption are not material things themselves, but their symbolic and social significance, i.e. the intangible dimension of the material world.