
The practice of perceiving space and time from an existential-phenomenological perspective

Introduction. In contemporary philosophy there is an emerging interest in space and time in relation to the existential-phenomenological tradition. Theoretical analysis. The article analyses some modern approaches to the problem of space and time in the context of the above-mentioned methodology, as well as those approaches that either stand in opposition to the phenomenological tradition or try to form the related understanding of the problem.

Space: Fractal Representations

The article deals with the philosophical, physical and mathematical concepts of space. The novel topological ideas related with fractality phenomenon are discussed. Ontological meaning of fractality is cleared out. 

The Transformation of Concepts about Space and Time in the Classical Philosophy and Science

The aim of this work is to determine the features of the development of concepts of space and time in philosophy and science that could in the future perspective reveal the principles of transformation of the philosophical categories in the categories of science. In the article is analyzed the content of the categories of space and time in the classical philosophy and science. The author considers the basic ontological concepts of the Renaissance and Early modern period, compares and analyzes the characteristics of the models of space and time.

Meaning-forming functions of the spatial coordinate of culture in Foucault's philosophical concept

The article is devoted to the study of understanding the meaning-forming functions of culture, determined by its spatial characteristics in the philosophical work of Michel Foucault. He puts forward the thesis about the decisive role of space in social practice, the growth of complication of its organization from planar to three-dimensional, and opens up virtual spaces of cultural thinking. Space is understood not only geographically, but as the initial impulse and attribute of culture.

Toposes of Modern Society: the Reflection of the Ways of Informatization

The target programme of the author’s approach presented in the article includes the study of the methodological functions of concepts-toposes capable of uncovering the essence of changes in the life space of a society, changes caused by the increasing influence of the Internet. The main stages of the informatization of the modern society are presented in the article by toposes of late industrialism and information toposes of post-industrialism which have emerged in the “post” era.

Social Ontology of Culture in the View of Anthropological Reflection

The article is devoted to the social ontological analysis of culture in its anthropological reflection. The problem field of the ontology of culture initially involves the process of anthropogenesis. We are talking about the consideration of the origin of human society and culture with the help of the comparative-historical method of genealogy, aimed at identifying the origins and beginnings of human existence. The specificity of the philosophical method of Friedrich Nietzsche’s genealogy is considered.

Ontological Aspects of Atmosphere

The article is devoted to the consideration of the ontological status of the atmosphere, conditions and qualities that contribute to the formation of atmospheric effects. The semantic line of the text is a spatial dimension of the atmosphere, which is connected, first of all, with the unique spaces of art, set by the sensual modalities of being as presence and event. It is important to emphasize that the basic layer of these experiences marks the richness of life contact with the world. Mood as a condition of entrance to the event is the condition of the atmosphere at the same time.

Landscape Ontology: Existential Continuum

The phenomenon of the space-time continuum of the landscape is considered in the article. The author pays special attention to the problem of human life in a complex system and the totality of all components of natural and natural-anthropogenic landscapes. In describing the essence of the spatial-temporal continuum of the landscape, the emphasis is placed on the investigation of the dangerous transformation that occurs when anthropogenic impact of natural complexes of the indigenous landscape is taking place, which negatively affects the conditions of human activity as a social subject.

Personality in Space of Power

Increase of a personality role in political space of society sets a task of researching of the ways of personification of special power structures. In the article there offered the main levels of psychological space of power, the corresponding political symbols and the models of political behavior. There also discussed particular features of personified space of the leader, phantoms of his influence on political space of ruling elites and electorate.
