
Social Psychological Genesis of «Self» from the Standpoint of the Philosophy of Social Interactionism

This publication considers the explanation of the consciousness and «self» genesis offered by G. H. Mead through a gradual development during childhood of a capability to assume a part of the other and to visualize own behaviour from the viewpoint of the others.

«Tired» Periods of History

The article is devoted to actual philosophical and historical problems. There are some periods in the history of mankind, which can be called «tired» periods. The fact is that the historical process is a unity of objective and subjective. In that case the objective means an immanent logic of history, and a subjective – activity of the subjects of history, i.e., of people. The objective has the primacy, but subjective has an enormous impact on objective. During crisis periods people lose their passionarity. They prefer entertainment, games, gladiator fights etc.