теологическое мышление

The role of metanoia in the formation of theological worldview

Introduction. In connection with the acquisition of the status of science by theology, the question arises how to update the internal sources of motivation of the theologian-researcher for scientific activity. One of the motivating factors is the consideration of research activities as a special kind of worship, which consists in an inner aspiration to know the God by approaching the comprehension of ultimate meanings. In this case, research activity is regarded as sacred, which undoubtedly gives the theologian a special impetus to action. Theoretical analysis.

The Origins of Philosophical Theology in Pre-Christian Culture

This article is devoted to the analysis of problems and specifics of theological discourse in Antiquity. The article deals with the categorical apparatus of ancient philosophy, which was later reinterpreted by Christian theologians. Interaction of Theology in its formation with the philosophy and the natural sciences was very intense and fruitful. Reasons communicative proximity of theology and philosophy are seen us in the style of human thinking. Ancient philosophers have tried to find the fundamental basis of being the world and man.