
Recent theories of secularization and perspectives of secular-religious dialogue

Introduction. The article examines the current philosophical debates about the relationship between secular and religious worldviews. The article outlines recent forms of postsecularization as the continued existence of religious communities in a continually secularizing environment, identifying its main dimensions: the deinstitutionalization of the religious lifestyle, the individualization of faith, and the development of new social forms in the religious fi eld. Theoretical analysis.

Heidegger as a “Christian theologian”?

The article considers one of Heidegger’s statements presented in a letter to his friend K. Löwit dated August 19, 1921, in which he defines himself as a “Christian theologian”. The main existing perspectives on Heidegger’s “religiosity” being listed, the question arises, can we, and if so, in which sense, call Heidegger a “faithful Christian”? To answer this question, one needs to distinguish between “ontic theology” and “onto-theology”, the latter concept being very close to Heidegger’s own project of “fundamental ontology”.

Christianity and Science: from Autonomy to Interaction

This article is devoted to consideration of the main tendences in solving by modern western christian theologians the problem of relations between Christianity and science. Today here is elaborated a new vision on history and modern state of interrelations between science and theology. Here is stressed an injustice of statesments about their principally opposition and fixed a positive influence of Christianity on the development of European science. There is no common theologian opinion about the mode of modern interrelations between theology and science.


В статье исследуется проблема предмета и методологии препо-
давания теологии в современных российских светских высших 
учебных  заведениях.  Автор  раскрывает  основное  содержание 
дискуссии среди ученых по этому вопросу и приводит аргументы 
полемизирующих сторон. По его мнению, для введения предмета 
теология имеется основание на уровне исторического междуна-
родного опыта и дореволюционной традиции университетского 
образования в России. Им анализируются материалы обсужде-
ния темы на слушаниях Общественной палаты Российской Фе-