Problematization of a Question of Rationality in Scientific Research of Karl Marx: Historical and Philosophical Bases of Philosophy of Science

The article is devoted to consideration of problems of rationality in Karl Marx’s philosophy. The analyzed list of problems of scientific rationality includes the problems of logic, methodology and axiology of social and economic researches. The research for a dialectic method of idealistic philosophy and anthropological thinking precedes the historical novelty of dialectics-materialistic methodology of Marxism. It promoted creation of the complete concept of essence of the person, socio-historical process.

The Boundaries of Life

In the article an attempt is made to propose a methodology of life cognition and to determine the boundaries of this cognition. Here the authors believe that the period of human life acts as an integrator of being, and the latter - as a premise of spreading life time with the help of ability to compile the past, to transform the present and create the future.