theological education

Theological education as a basic factor of socialization and the formation of value orientations in a dynamically changing society

In a dynamically changing society, the problem of the formation of value attitudes and the preservation of traditions is one of the main and paramount issues for the construction of social relations. State policy aimed at constructive interaction of various institutions responsible for socialization is a guarantee of the stability of social relations themselves. Considering education as the main institution of socialization, it is necessary to determine the difficulties and opportunities in the formation of value orientations of the younger generation and modern youth.

Study of religious traditions as a factor in ensuring the secular nature of culture and education

This paper examines the dialogue and mutual influence of secular and religious culture in the system of secular education from two points of view: firstly, the influence of teaching knowledge about religion on the implementation of the secular nature of education and, secondly, the impact of the need to comply with state educational standards on the form of presentation of religious culture.