
The war and the crisis of the global pseudo-liberal civilizational project

Introduction. War in the nuclear age regardless on the options of limited or local nuclear military conflict represents the apogee of the global crisis of humanity. Theoretical analysis. The purpose of the article is to identify the signs and prerequisites of the crisis of the global liberal civilizational project. The novelty of the research is manifested in the author's argumentation of the relationship of the philosophy of the war of western rationalism with pseudo-liberal modeling of modern civilizational dynamics.

The Culture of Military Safety: Returning to the Past (Social and Philosophical Aspects)

This article highlights that problem revealing inconsistent property of practice of culture of military safety of the states attracts attention of scientists for a long time. In fact explanation of the numerous facts of disappearance of some people and civilizations, the reason of national tragedies and accidents, waging wars and other cataclysms had to be done.  

The Image of War: the Problem of Content and Formation

War as a complex social phenomenon can be analyzed from different perspectives: it appears as a socio-political phenomenon, as a civilizational, as an existential one. Importantly on war-man, so war is perceived not only on level facts, but and in the form of way of, which represents complex views about it, including and assessment of events, and assessment of enemy, and own image. In the structure of the image of the war, the author highlights the foretypes, synchro and prototyping.