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Titova O. I. Attitudes toward social interaction with masculine and feminine types: An empirical study. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 2, pp. 211-215. DOI:

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Attitudes toward social interaction with masculine and feminine types: An empirical study

Introduction. Significant changes are taking place in the system of gender relations in modern conditions, but the processes of interaction in it remain poorly understood. Purpose: to identify differences in attitudes towards social interaction with people of masculine and feminine types. Theoretical analysis. The analysis showed that interaction in the space of gender relations is studied through the prism of gender norms and stereotypes, as well as by the method of comparative analysis of the psychological characteristics of communication, considering the gender factor. Empirical analysis. Methods: author’s questionnaire of social interaction (N = 388 people); stepwise discriminant and correlation analysis for paired samples (SPSS 27.0). Most of all, the attitude to interaction with people of the masculine and feminine types differs in the following parameters: considering the experience of relationships and partnership nature in interaction with feminine people; friendly support, mutual assistance in interaction with masculine people. Pairwise comparison of each respondent’s assessments of interaction with masculine/feminine type people showed differences in only 4 parameters: perception of rivalry between one’s own and partner, differences in values, use of intangible resources. Conclusion. For the first time, it was established what parameters differ in the attitude towards interaction with people of different gender types.

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