Izv. Sarat. Univ. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 2
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The mythology of technologies in Russian legal discourse: Analytics of normative regulation in the fi eld of artifi cial intelligence
стр. 124
Comprehension of the historical process in the theological heritage of Origen of Alexandria
стр. 129
Mathematics and physical reality: The theme of the absence of the “Transcendental Signifi ed” in the language of modern fundamental science
стр. 139
Science and power in the political philosophy of F. Bacon: From reformism towards social criticism
стр. 144
The practice of perceiving space and time from an existential-phenomenological perspective
стр. 149
Two preachings on Lazarus Saturday: The moral dimension of friendship according to Saint Justin (Polyansky) and Saint Innocent of Kherson
стр. 159
The role of technical in the preservation and reproduction of the living principle in a human
стр. 164
The value and semantic meaning of the Motherland in A. S. Panarin’s book “Orthodox civilization in the global world”: A philosophical analysis
стр. 180
Psychological and pedagogical approaches to the formation of a complex of professionally important personality traits of future doctors
стр. 185
Attitudes toward social interaction with masculine and feminine types: An empirical study
стр. 211
Factors in the development of historical and local history activities of Soviet students in the second half of the 1950s – mid-1980s
стр. 216
Assessment of students’ foreign language profession-oriented communicative competence
стр. 221
Operational aspects of forming educational activity culture of future teachers in the poliparadigm educational space
стр. 226