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Bocharova E. E. Axiological Orientation of Personality’ Representatives Different Socio-Cultural Groups. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2014, vol. 14, iss. 2, pp. 58-63. DOI:

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Axiological Orientation of Personality’ Representatives Different Socio-Cultural Groups

The article presents theoretical and empirical study of axiological orientation of representatives of the Russian and French youth. The study was carried out on a proportionally selected sample of representatives of the Russian and French youth (n = 60, male and female; 18–20 years old). The use of psycho-diagnostic tools («Types of ethnic identity» by G. U. Soldatova, S. V. Ryzhova, «Personal axiological orientation» by A. V. Kaptsov, L. V. Karpushina, surveys, methods of comparative and correlation analysis) allowed to reveal specifics of the patterns of personal subjectively significant value preferences of the respondents. The article shows that representatives of the Russian youth have socialcreative locus of preferences, which mainly manifests in the spheres of social and professional interests; representatives of the French youth have social-pragmatic locus, which manifests in the sphere of family relations and professional interests. It is obvious that self-actualization is more important for personality of the groups under study in the spheres of social life mentioned above. The applied aspect of the problem under study can be implemented in counseling development of educational programs of academic mobility of students and development of youth policy programs.

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