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Хмелькова О. В. Comparative Analysis of the Formation Level of the Adaptive Readiness Structural Components of the Individual to a Dynamic Educational Environment. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 1, pp. 74-?. DOI:
Comparative Analysis of the Formation Level of the Adaptive Readiness Structural Components of the Individual to a Dynamic Educational Environment
The article is devoted to a comparative analysis of the level of formation of structural components of the individual’s readiness to adapt to a dynamic educational environment. Adaptation readiness for changes and risks serves as an indicator of the success of the formation of individual personality traits in a person, as well as cognitive and social development of students in the educational space. An important aspect for the process of forming adaptive readiness is the isolation of its structural components, which can act as adaptation criteria. The article proves the structural model of the adaptive readiness of the individual to the dynamic educational environment, which includes the work of a group of components: internal (subjective), external (objective) and superstructural. The generalized results of the study of adaptive readiness for a dynamic educational environment are presented in accordance with the developed monitoring scheme: high and low indicators of adaptation have been identified and correlated, general properties and features in the structure of adaptive readiness of a person for a dynamic educational environment have been determined. The applied aspect of the problem under investigation consists in using the results in organizing the educational and educational process with children in transition (crisis) periods of instruction and in creating the necessary psychological and pedagogical conditions in the general educational organization to overcome the problems and difficulties of the adaptation process.
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