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Yasin M. I. Confessionally-Caused Features of Motivation Among Jews. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 2, pp. 188-193. DOI:
Confessionally-Caused Features of Motivation Among Jews
The problem of religious motivation gives a deeper understanding of the religious identity of believers, the religious values of systems and their coherence, the specifics of socio-psychological interaction. The religious motivation of the Jews is not well understood. The aim of the work is to study the religious motivation of the Jews and identify its specificity. The study is organized as a quantitative measurement using a psychological inventory and questionnaire and subsequent statistical analysis of the results. In our study, we used the model of Stojkovich I. and Mirich J., which reflects the natural connection of factors obtained mathematically on the basis of empirical data. The study was conducted on a sample of 63 Russian-speaking Jews with a strong religious affiliation. We found a high internal motivation for religion, accompanied by sufficient social, or external, motivation, which is a specificity of Judaism. Jews perceive religious affiliation as an important component of their national identity and traditionalism. For them religion is a source of emotional well-being, ideals and morality, a means of fulfilling desires. We also found a close consistency between understanding religion as a source of fulfilling desires and traditionalism and a source of morality and spiritual well-being.
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