Cite this article as:
Гализдра А. С. Consumption of Tourist Services: Social-Philosophic Aspect. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2008, vol. 8, iss. 2, pp. 7-?.
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Consumption of Tourist Services: Social-Philosophic Aspect
Tourist consumption has become the global behavior strategy last decades, it demands to being theoretical realized. The essence of tourist consumption was exposed in this article. Singularities of tourist consumption are underlined and analyzed not only as the economic category, but mostly as the social-cultural phenomenon which reflects the significant processes in contemporary society.
Key words:
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5. Давыдова А. Легенды и мифы среднего класса//Искусство кино. 1996. № 2. С. 87-93.
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