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Danilenko O. I. Contradictory Development of Individuality: B. G. Ananiev’s Conception. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2012, vol. 12, iss. 4, pp. 61-65. DOI:

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Contradictory Development of Individuality: B. G. Ananiev’s Conception

The article offers the analysis of individuality conception formulated in the works of B.G. Ananiev. It is stated that the Ananiev's concept of individuality has two inseparably connected meanings: individuality as an inner world of individuality and as a system integrity of human qualities – as of a person, individuality, subject of activity and content of inner world. The contradictoriness which defines the development of individuality is displayed and its causes are exposed. The article demonstrates how the content of individual inner world and one’s role in self-regulation process are perceived in B.G. Ananiev's concept. 

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