
Contradictory Development of Individuality: B. G. Ananiev’s Conception

The article offers the analysis of individuality conception formulated in the works of B.G. Ananiev. It is stated that the Ananiev's concept of individuality has two inseparably connected meanings: individuality as an inner world of individuality and as a system integrity of human qualities – as of a person, individuality, subject of activity and content of inner world. The contradictoriness which defines the development of individuality is displayed and its causes are exposed.

The genesis of individuality as a philosophical problem

The article raises a number of philosophical problems related to the concept of “individuality”. The subject areas of philosophy, for which the conceptualization of individuality is important, are defi ned. The main plot is the opposition of the individual and the universal. Thus, the problem of the status of individuality has epistemological, axiological and ontological aspects. The article discusses possible options for conceptualizing individuality. The key point is the analysis of the individuality’s genesis and the establishment of its ontological status.

The Individual in Modern Society : Life Strategies, Values, Risks (round table materials)

Междисциплинарные исследования весьма актуальной темы «Личность в пространстве рисков» в научном сообществе философов, психологов, педагогов Саратовского университета имеют свою предысторию. В сентябре 2008 г. был проведен «круглый стол» по теме «Личность в группах риска», где обсуждались философские и психологические проблемы рискогенного поведения личности, выдвигались разные модели групп риска, выяснялись соотношение коллективных и индивидуальных рисков, возможные сценарии управления ситуациями риска в малых группах.