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Meshcheryakov D. A. Dynamics of indicators of interpersonal relationships of courses of a military university at different stages of military and professional socialization. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 1, pp. 62-67. DOI:
Dynamics of indicators of interpersonal relationships of courses of a military university at different stages of military and professional socialization
The article deals with the actual problem of interpersonal relations among military personnel. The urgency of studying this problem is determined by the high importance of this special social group, which performs the function of protecting society and the state. The purpose of the paper is to study the dynamics of indicators of various characteristics (styles) of interpersonal relations among cadets of a military higher educational institution in the process of military-professional socialization in the context of studying the specifics of interpersonal relations among military personnel. As a hypothesis, it is suggested that the specifics of military service presupposes cadets’ preference for certain styles of interpersonal relations at all stages of military socialization. The study involved 182 male cadets of Saratov Military Order of Zhukov Red Banner Institute of National Guard Troops, aged 18 to 26 years, M = 20.5 years. Sample size: 1st academic year – n = 38; 2nd year – n = 48; 3rd year – n = 28; 4th year – n = 32; 5th year – n = 36. To determine the individual style of interpersonal relations, the methodology “Diagnostics of interpersonal relations” by T. Leary (modified by L. N. Sobchik) was used. In the course of empirical research, it was found that the characteristics of interpersonal relations in the process of military socialization are developing quite actively. There is a constant positive dynamics of the styles of interpersonal relations aimed at cooperation, mutual assistance, and acceptance of responsibility. Based on a comparative analysis, it was revealed that the most preferred styles of interpersonal relations are authoritarian, selfish, friendly and altruistic styles.
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