Cite this article as:
Vaulin V. I. Essentials of Theoretical Basis of Students' Training in the Life Safety Field. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 2, pp. 212-215. DOI:
Essentials of Theoretical Basis of Students' Training in the Life Safety Field
The article considers theoretical basis of students' training in the life safety field. It offers a conceptual approach of studying the discipline which includes elements of theoretical fundamentals of “Life Safety”: concepts and categories (the habitat, the production environment, hazard, safety, life safety, risk), regularities and the principles (axioms) of safety, safety evaluation criteria (TLV and MAC, risk), life safety guidelines at the enterprises (labor safety, civil defense, ecological safety); emergency situations (anthropological, natural, technogenic, ecological); functional aspects of life safety (economic, social, legal, personal, etc.); environment factors (physical, chemical, biological, psychophysiological, social and psychological); environment factors influence levels (optimum, admissible, dangerous, extremely dangerous; safety levels (personal, collective, local, regional, state, interstate); hazard analysis methods (potential emergency situations method, quantitative, qualitative); hazard protection methods; means of protection (technical, natural, individual, etc.); life safety management fundamentals: life safety law fundamentals (state law system and interstate interaction laws); labor protection management: regulating documents, organizational and staff structure, work safety management methods (professional selection; work safety training; technical methods; administrative methods, etc.); working conditions analysis at workplaces (“standard provisions” – the unified methodological document, account, certification, rationalization and work place planning (WP); safety management – safety assessment is defined by indicators that characterize the state of the object under study (microclimate, noise, dust parameters etc.); civil defense management at the enterprise; ecological safety management.
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