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Molochko A. V. Experience of Adaptation of Mainstream Events in the Organization of Students' Extracurricular Activities (the Case Study of Creating, Training and Implementing an Intelligent-Entertaining Game "Geoquiz"). Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 4, pp. 458-464. DOI:

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Experience of Adaptation of Mainstream Events in the Organization of Students' Extracurricular Activities (the Case Study of Creating, Training and Implementing an Intelligent-Entertaining Game "Geoquiz")

In the modern structure of education, there are a large number of difficulties and “pitfalls” that make teachers significantly change the process of not only classroom, but also extracurricular activities. The modern student team is quite difficult to convince of the need to participate in extracurricular activities, since some infantilism, as well as the “imposed introvert syndrome” dictated by modern realities, does not allow children to open up and to leave the comfort zone. In this regard, there is an urgent need not only to visit public events recommended for all structural subdivisions of the University, but also, of course, to involve students in thematic extracurricular activities that reveal the specifics of their chosen profession. Moreover, traditional forms – excursions, classic games, etc. no longer are able to sufficiently attract the attention of students. In this regard, the experience of conducting an intellectual and entertaining geographic game "Geoquiz" (a modified analogue of the game "Quiz, please!", popular not only in Saratov but also in many other regions and countries) can be considered a successful example of activating both universal and professional competencies of students, as well as a good opportunity for socialization of a fairly closed modern student society.


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2. Intellektual’no-razvlekatel’naya bitva Kviz, pliz! (Intellectual and entertaining battle Quiz, please!). Available at: (accessed 5 May 2019) (in Russian).

3. Chto za igra “Kviz, pliz!” i chto znachit “Quiz, please!” (What kind of a game “Quiz, please!” is and what “Quiz, please!” means). Available at: (accessed 5 May 2019) (in Russian).

4. Molochko A. V. Geoportals, Social Networks and Media Possibilities of Internet as a Help for Geography Teachers. Videonauka: setevoj zhurn. (Videoscience: Network Journal), 2017, no. 3 (7). Available at: (accessed 1 October 2017) (in Russian).

5. Forma registracii na igru «Geokviz» (Form of Geoquiz Game Registration). Available at: (accessed 16 May 2019) (in Russian).

6. Geokviz, pliz! (Geoquiz, Please!). Available at: (accessed 24 May 2019) (in Russian).

7. Chto takoe GЕOKVIZ (What GEOQUIZ is). Available at: (accessed 5 June 2019) (in Russian).

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